Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Incurable but not untreatable - the battle begins...

PCOS is incurable, but its symptoms are treatable. This means you CAN get pregnant, you can manage weight gain, hirsutism, acne etc. PCOS put you in a high risk category, but with medication, exercise, diet control and assisted reproductive techniques (ART), you can manage and control the symptoms. My body may have slammed a door on my face, but medical science still gave me options!!

Even more incredibly, lots of women go on to have perfectly successful natural pregnancies without even realizing they have PCOS, leave alone needing medical help!! No one knows why. Its just a really fickle syndrome! So there are natural success stories and medical workarounds, maybe not 100% successful, but definitely not a lost cause!

I was 28yrs old, had age, science, determination, optimism and a very very supportive hubby on my side. This was something I could do. This was something I would do. I've always believed that hard work and genuine effort will never go unrewarded.

I'm going to fight this. I'm going to put in everything I have. I'm going to take every chance I can get. I'm not going to look back on my life and regret that I could have done more. If destiny has other plans for me, we'll see...but it won't be because I didn't try and give it my best shot.

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